Changhee Jung

Samuel D. Conte Associate Professor
Department of Computer Science
Purdue University

305 N. University Street West Lafayette, IN 47907

Office: LWSN 3154G

Phone: (765) 494-8508

Email: chjung at purdue (_dot_) edu

Ph.D., Georgia Tech, 2013

    My research interests are in compilers and computer architecture with an emphasis on performance, reliability, and security. I have developed program analysis and microarchitecture optimization techniques for soft error resilience, concurrency bug detection, and system security such as memory safety and Linux kernel permission check. Currently, I am working on energy-efficient intermittent computation and nonvolatile memory crash consistency. To come up with cost-effective solutions, I often leverage compiler-architecture codesign and repurpose existing hardware features.

    Prior to joining Purdue, I was an Assistant Professor at Virginia Tech which I joined after completing my PhD under the supervision of Prof. Santosh Pande at Georgia Tech in 2013. During the three summers between 2010 and 2012, I worked as a software engineering intern with the compiler optimization team at Google. From 2005 to 2008, I was a member of the research staff at ETRI (Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute). I was honored to receive an NSF CAREER Award (2018) and inducted into MICRO Hall of Fame (2021).

    My lab, the CompArch (Compiler and Architecture) research group, was formed in 2013 at Virginia Tech and is now at Purdue. CompArch focuses on compiler-architecture cooperation, compiler optimization, and computer architecture exploration to address cross-cutting concerns involving performance, reliability, and security. The following two logos were designed by my two daugthers Hannah and Chayah, respectively.

    Hannah's logo
    Chayah's logo


  • Open positions for graduate students and postdocs.
    Email me your CV, if you are interested in compilers and computer architecture.

  • EDBP accepted to HPCA 2025. Congratulations to Gan!

  • 5 papers accepted to MICRO (2x), ICCAD, EMSOFT, and CODES+ISSS 2024. Congratulations to all the authors!

  • 4 papers accepted to ISCA, OSDI, ICS, and RTAS 2024. Congratulations to all the authors!

  • Congratulations to Jianping for getting his paper selected as Memorable Paper Award Finalist in NVMW 2024.

  • Jongouk received ACM SIGBED Paul Caspi Memorial Dissertation Award! Congratulations to Prof. Choi!

  • RTailor accepted to RTSS 2023. Congratulations to Shao-Yu and Jianping!

  • 2 papers (SweepCache and Persistent Processor) accepted to MICRO 2023! Congratulations to Yuchen, Jongouk, Jianping and Jungi!

  • Write-Light Cache accepted to ISCA 2023. Congratulations to Jongouk and Jianping!

  • DevFuzz accepted to S&P (Oakland) 2023. Congratulations to Yilun and Tong!

  • Flame accepted to MICRO 2022. Congratulations to Yida!

  • Capri accepted to HPDC 2022. Congratulations to Jungi and Jianping!

  • CapOS and RockClimb accepted to EMSOFT 2022 and RTAS 2022 respectively. Congratulations to Jongouk!

  • Inducted to MICRO Hall of Fame

  • 2 papers (ReplayCache and Turnpike) accepted to MICRO 2021! Congratulations to Jianping (2x), Jongouk, and Hongjune!

  • Congratulations to Jongouk for getting his paper selected as Memorable Paper Award Finalist in NVMW 2021.

  • PMEM-Spec accepted to ASPLOS 2021. Congratulations to Jungi!

  • UHTM accepted to MICRO 2020. Congratulations to Jungi!

  • Penny accepted to PLDI 2020. Congratulations to Hongjune, Jianping, and Qingrui!

  • I am serving as the program chair for LCTES 2020. Submit your best work!

  • CoSpec accepted to MICRO 2019. Congratulations to Jongouk and Qingrui!

  • PeX accepted to USENIX Security 2019. Congratulations to Tong!

  • Old News
  • I will be joining the Department of Computer Science at Purdue University as an Associate Professor.

  • Elastin accepted to RTAS 2019. Congratulations to Jongouk!

  • I am co-charing HIPS 2019 with Neha Gholkar (Intel). Submit your best work!

  • BOGO accepted to ASPLOS 2019. Congratulations to Tong!

  • 2 papers (iDO and Sampler) accepted to MICRO 2018! Congratulations to Qingrui and Tong!

  • Congratulations to Qingrui for successfully defending his PhD thesis!

  • A new grant awarded from NSF CSR

  • CommAnalyzer accepted to HPDC 2018. Congratulations to Ahmed!

  • Received an NSF CAREER Award

  • nAdroid accepted to CGO 2018. Congratulations to Xinwei!

  • AutoMatch accepted to IISWC 2017. Congratulations to Ahmed!

  • BenchPrime accepted to EMSOFT 2017. Congratulations to Qingrui, Xiaolong, and Larry!

  • ProRace accepted to ASPLOS 2017. Congratulations to Tong!

  • Received AMD Faculty Research Award

  • A paper accepted to MICRO 2016. Congratulations to Qingrui!

  • Bolt accepted to SC 2016 as Best Student Paper Finalist. Congratulations to Qingrui!

  • A paper accepted to NVMSA 2016. Congratulations to Qingrui!

  • A journal paper accepted to ACM TECS. Congratulations to Qingrui!

  • TxRace accepted to ASPLOS 2016. Congratulations to Tong!

  • A new patent granted!
    It was proposed to improve TCMalloc, Google 's open-source memory allocator, but would be applicable to other allocators. If you are interested in it, please take a look at US Patent 9063668.

  • Received Google Faculty Research Award

  • A new grant awarded from NSF CCF

  • Clover accepted to LCTES 2015. Congratulations to Qingrui!

  • I will be serving as the Publicity and Publications Chair for ASPLOS 2016.
    Please consider submitting your best work!

  • 2 papers accepted to ICSE 2014!





Graduate Students

